Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tennis Ball Game

  • What was the challenge (list criteria and constraints)? Our main challenge with the tennis was for just everyone to touch the ball one at a time or same games, everyone can touch it at once. The constraints were different each game. One was everyone needs to touch the ball but one at a time. Another constraint was we had to stand arms length across and couldnt pass the ball to the person next to you. We also played one game that we had to have our eyes closed.

  • What plan did your team come up with to solve the challenge? We had differnet plans, for the game that only one person can touch the ball one at a time, we put the ball on the ground in the middle of us and one person would touch it after the other. For the game with our eyes closed, we put 1 person in the middle of our group with the ball and they spun in a circle with our hands out enough to touch the ball and everyone had their eyes closed. We were able to come up with a good plan for each constraint.

  • How did the execution of your plan work out? Our executions worked out perfectly even without testing some of them. They were quick and efficient and were imbetween the constraints.

  • What would you do the same? The thing I would do the same would be the plan we used for having our eyes closed with one person in the middle and they would spin and touch the ball to everyones hands.

  • What would you do differently? The thing I would do different would be instead of using the ground for each one touching the ground at once I would use our hands to make a slope and drop the ball from the top and make sure it touches everyones hand. This the the only constraint we didn't win.

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